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Say no to pornography demon

PORNOGRAPHY IS DANGEROUS. That's what I used to hear from many people and I kept wondering how and where is it dangerous. How does i...

PORNOGRAPHY IS DANGEROUS. That's what I used to hear from many people and I kept wondering how and where is it dangerous.
How does it affect anyone who is into or not into it.
Why is it considered as illegal as consumption of drugs and other illicit substances?
I have been bothering myself with these questions until i decided to sit down and make a reseach on porn and what realy mortivated
people into exposing themselves to that extend.
After going deeper on the mater and conducting a case study on pornography and its effects on humans I got very interesting chapters that I would like to share with you hama dzerwendo.
Kudai Mwari vatibatsira hama. We all know the dangers and consequences of adultery (hupombwe).
It leads to the destruction of individuals, marriages, societies, nations and the world at large. Believe me, many orphans and
marginalized children are a result of their parents' immorality.
Many graves are a result of immorality and adultery. When it comes to sex, the fear of the Lord disappears from an individual. Pastors,
deacons, evangelists youths church elders and many people can't overcome the hostility of sexual temptation.
The devil is well aware of this weakness hence use sexual temptation as a weapon of mass destruction to deal with those he regard as hardheaded individuals.
He introduced pornography and nudity kuti aninani anongoona mavideos nemapictures iwayo anobva arasikirwa nehupenyu
husingaperi hwaakawana kuburikidza nekutenda munaJesu ove wekuraswa.
We do have a deadly snake among us. Alcohol and drugs are the only substances that are considered addictive and they are dangerous to a person health.
They destroy a person physically, emotionally and spiritually but that addiction is better for it destroys the person who take those substances only and do a minor damage
to his/her relatives.
Pornographic addiction is dangerous varume. It does not destroy the addict only but a number of people, will explain how it does that
later. Currently let me tell why pornographic addiction hadn't been addressed and why it remained something of inferior importance.
The devil is in business and didn't want his business to be spoiled.
He didn't want anyone to strongly condemn porn hence keep it a secret and allow the pornographic dears to make money to remain strong in their business.
The more they spread porn the more people got deceived and once you got addicted to porn and sex wanyura, you can only get out of it through divine intervention.
Porn destroys a person's mental stability. You spend more time and money downloading and watching porn. You end up a very
sensationally weak person and you won't be sexually arosed by a physical contact.
You end up waamunhu anomutswa nemavideos
uye nemapictures to have sex with your spouse. No marriage can survive in such situations.
You began to see your spouse as unattractive and sexually weak because you began to compare her/ him with those you watch on porn.
You began to create baseless accusations all because your sexual mentality has been twisted to a certain type of men or women you watch on porn and you expect your spouse to be as such.
Instead of getting your sexual stimulation from your spouse you end up going out kubhawa kunotsvaga pfambi in guise of kunoona bhora nevamwe or masterbating to get sexual satisfaction because your spouse won't meet your demands.
After involving yourself into such adulterous acts, you feel so humiliated and shame for yourself.
Unobva wabheja kuti that's the last time handichazviita futi but mangwana acho you find yourself in the same situation and this adulterous circle begins itself wobva wati handi chazviita mangwana acho wopamhazve until you no
longer get any satisfaction from sex.
If you don't masterbate for
relief unotsvaga pfambi. Kana uri kusina pfambi you end up waa a serial rapist.
You get Into such a situation because of kuona porno kwaita kuti uve a sex addict.
If not all, most man are porn addicts and they struggling to get rid of this addiction. They keep it a very confidential secret to
themselves. They usually relive themselves through masterbation in the depth of their bathrooms and bedrooms apa madzimai vanawo.
They don't talk about it and most of them pretend to hate porn ivo vari vasungwa veporno. They preach mostly about upombwe and the condemn it in front of the people but spend the night surfing porn sites on Google.
They fool themselves kuti they are holy and clean
because hapana avaona uye hapana azviziva since vazviita varivega but deep inside their hearts feeling very guilt and unclean.
Munenge matopomba abiyanguwe and you won't deserve to be standing in
front of a congregation.
If you think deeply about yourself and pornograph you realise that you have permitted a deadly worm to breed and ruin your life.
If you permit that worm to stay in you, you're going to loose eternity for you're not going to conquer a woman.
That addiction is going to
rule your destiny. It is going to kill your sexual agility and destroy your relationship with the opposite sex.
Your sexual stamina is
going to be ruined before you get old.
Ucharamba uchingonzi mhombwe in the spiritual realm even though
usingabate madzimai kana kubatwa nevarume.
Pray for divine intervention and gain control of yourself. You don't have to be controlled by your sexual lust to the extend of seeing
female congregants pachechi chaipo as sex material.
To talk reality, you're more than a drug addict and a drunkard.
Those are even better for they don't suffer their addiction in silence like you. They are even able to conquer their addiction for if someone feel pity for them anogona kungoita kuti vasazviwane zvinodhaka zvacho for a very long time until they quit.
They won't be in addiction for ever but your case is different.
No one knows you're suffering because you keep it a secret in fear of humiliation and you'll never expose it. Unongokuvarira mukati and in reality you're fighting a real war which is affecting your marriage, your work, your finances and your family at large.
You have tried and tried to quit watching porn and masterbation but you always find yourself in the same situation.
To you it seems kunge Hondo kana kuti jeri racho risingabudike. Instead of trying to quit, you and up allowing the addiction to control your feeling and
draw you further away from God.
Indeed there is a way out.

Jehovha vanofadzwa nemwana anokumbira kururama kubva kwavari kupfuura anokumbira pfuma.
Unlike mimwe minamato yose, wekukumbira nunuro kubva panechakaipa chadzika midzi muupenyu
hwako haushaye mhinduro nomatter what.
Kneel down and tell your God that you're a sex addict and really needs deliverance.
This pornographic addiction is the reason why people are perishing with Aids. It is also the reason why women and girls have resorted
in walking half naked in streets.
It is the reason why most marriages are collapsing.
Pornography is the most deadly of all addictions for is destroys people on all aspects of survival.
To my surprise, no voice have been raised against porn sezvazvinoitwa against brongo, mbanje, cocaine and other addictive substances.
Ndiko kubata kwasatani. Chinoparadza chaicho hamuchione chinotofadza kuti mupere.
This is just an introduction. Am going to write a book against pornography and sexual addiction.

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