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Pray for the sins of your family

REPENTANCE Isaiah 51 Today let each and everyone examine themselves. Often we want to go before God without first going through cleansing ....

Isaiah 51
Today let each and everyone examine
themselves. Often we want to go before God
without first going through cleansing .
Ask the Holy Spirit to forgive you for every sin
. Ask Him to show you every offense .
Madzimai apa tinoda kuti vese vaya vakabvisa
pamuviri, vaka bata mushonga, vakapinda
mudzimba vatanga vaita cheupombwe,
vakauchika vana, vanonyepa, vanoba, vane
makuhwa, vakabata varanda vaMwari
nemuromo yavo, vakadanana nevarume
vevanhu before ( whether you are married or
not), those that are cheating on their
husbands, vane zvigumbu, kusaregerera,
vakaitira vamwe hutsinye, etc
Go before God and cry out for mercy. Let the
Holy spirit search you against any charge thay
the devil is using against you.
Then after you do personal repentance for
things you have done
Ask for mercy for bloodline sins. Sins in your
families. Your father's side family and mothers
side as well. If they do rituals , kurova
makuva, kupira mudzimu. Kune vaya vakadya
ikoko kumabira aya kumbirai ruregerero. If
you know your family does these things,
whether or not you attended them just ask for
mercy nokuti panoitwa zvinhu izvi mazita
emunhu wese mumhuri anodanwa. Kana pane
anorapa nemushonga mumhuri still ask for
mercy. Mhuri dzaive nemaparika as well. Ask
for mercy. Zvivi zvinotevera ropa.
Kune vaya vakaroorwa, kana uchiziva zvinotwa
kumhuri yemurume do the same. Ask for
mercy. You two are one now saka cry out on
your husbands behalf.

You might think this is a small task asi hatisi
kuda kupinda muhondo iwe uine property
yemuvengi. These things are open doors thay
allows the accuser of the brethren to content
against your prayers and block them. The
enemyy will use these things as charges against
you saka tinoda kubvisa mhosva dzese and ask
for mercy. Put on your robes of righteousness
in Jesus Christ. Plead the blood of Jesus Christ
over yourself and all that concerns you. Do not
be surprised if you see signs of retaliation as
we embark on these prayers. We are soldiers.
Do not do pity parties. Praise the Lord as we
continue advancing. Nhasi ngatichemei
pamberi pechigaro cha Mwari baba. Those that
are in disobience to God , ask for mercy as
well. Vaya vanoita Zvivi vachiti they will repent
later.... stop that as of today. Do not take the
grace of God in vain.
Be blessed as you go through these repentance
prayers. Spend time in praise and worship and
let the presence of God envelope you.
You are coming out of this battle victorious in
Jesus mighty name!

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