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Shamwari Yemurume Inonaka ...­.

I got married at age 20, it was more because I had gotten pregnant and he chose me over the other pregnant girl.  At that time I took it to ...

I got married at age 20, it was more because I had gotten pregnant and he chose me over the other pregnant girl. 

At that time I took it to mean he loved me and that his making the other girl pregnant was a mistake. I was yet to learn that A LEOPARD DOES NOT CHANGE ITS SPOTS.

He would pretend to be going 'visiting' his daughter with the other woman. Our kids are 6 months apart IMAGINE, Mine being the older one. Surprise, HE was regularly fucking her, pretending things are not working out between him and me.

She 4ned zvekuda kundisvotesa telling me of their encounters, challenging me to see the love bites that she had given him. Zveshuwawo he would have a scratch pamusana, a spider mark on the neck etc.
On telling him this he would brush it off and say, anonyepa iwe, I HAVE NO MORE INTEREST IN HER.

I would believe him since he would shower me with such LYRICS as " IWE NDIWE VIRGIN RANGU, she was not saka ndingaite basa naye rei?

Then he started fucking another woman, Older than him this time, akamutenderedza­ msoro zvekuti aiti anaYvonne, do u think u have a GOLDEN Gambi ? Ndakazowana ane rePLATINUM manje, rakati nganganga rinokrenka blabi yangu kusvika yakubuda utsi.

Shamari yangu akanditi, "kufira kuti ndakaroorwa neakandiboora saka anokoshesa virginity yangu, uchafira mahara ugoigirwa AIDS, UGOFA usina kunzwa dzimwe blambi kuti dzinospaka sei."
Shamwari Yemurume Inonaka ...­.
Shamwari Yemurume Inonaka ...­.
That was my turning point I thought of the best way to fix him MUCHINYARARIRE,­ his best friend Gareth, was always a shoulder to cry on paanenge asingarari kumba.

Ndakafonera Gareth, akauya chopaz kumba manheru pandaiziva kuti Irvin haambodzoke. Ndakasvikomutam­bira nehug ndichinyepera kuchema. His broad shoulders enveloped me and his muscular arms wrapped me in his warmth.

I felt the first stirrings of an erection as he drew me very close to him. I let his manhood nestle between my hips. Ndakatambisa chiuono changu nemagaro kuti ndimudenhe Ginger yake. He didn't disappoint, He was instantly hard like a metal rod. Akanditarisando­kundikisa LONG and hard. muchinda anonaka iyeyu, mate ake aitapira nekudziya zvaiita kuti nditi NYAKATA mubrugwa mangu. Ndakavhura zip yake ndokumusaidzira­ pasofa, ndakabvisa hembe nebrugwa ndokumupfugamir­a. 

Ndakaita kunge ndoridza bhosvo, mboro yake iri mukanwa mangu. He groaned with plesure as i licked and sucked his cock. akangoramba akadzvanya musoro wangu panhengo yake, ipapo anga akatsinzinya.

Akazoerekana andimbanya kwakundishadabu­risa makongo ose akayanikwa panze. He went down on me with his mouth. He gasped in surprise paakazvuva matinji angu kubva mukati meburi rangu. Hama dzangu , self praise paside, Ndine chipo chematinji, akareba zvekuti ndinotoapfekera­ mukati mebeche buri rese rotovharika.

He pulled them out and started toying with them like a kid anhonga toy. 'handisati ndamboona matinji akakura so!"

Akangoerekana anditi pfee, zimboro rake rakanga rakati twi kunanga paburi rangu " maiwe " ndakaridza mhere! akambondidenha naro akaridzikisa in my eternal depths , achirovera mberi mberi imomo.

Ndakazhamba zvekuburitsa misodzi, tsinga dzaungana (vasoconstricti­on), ndaiita kunge ndiri kunyungudika.

Chokwadi Irvine, aiita heart attack dai akandiona ndichinakirwa zvakadai, Veduwee, VAKADZI VAYE VEKUNGOSVIRWA NEMURUME ONE, CHIMBONYENGWAI NEVAKAITA SAGARETH, MUZVIONEREWO.

I RAN SHORT OF WORDS, shamari yemurume wangu inonaka! Iye netightness yaikonzerwa nematinji angu mukati umu akambozama kutasva hake, but zvakamukundawo!

Takatundirana (simultaneous orgasm) ini ndichizhamba "ambuuuuuuuuuuu­uya" iye nepaside achigomera " sekuuuuuuuuuuuu­uru!"

Tsaaaaaaa! @#$%^& tsaaaaaaaaaaa! Kutunda uku!

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