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Kukwira Murungu First Time In My Life

Muvheti wangu akaimpoter PA wake from London and she was very curious to know more about Africans since it is her first time to interact ful...

Muvheti wangu akaimpoter PA wake from London and she was very curious to know more about Africans since it is her first time to interact full time with black people. Boss vanomuchengera chengera nekumurestricter kutaura nesu pagraft, but the more he did that the more she became curious to know more about us. Saka last  Friday she invited me for dinner kuhotel kwake kwaari kugara. Ko ndingaramba here and I just thought as she was lonely it was just dinner then ndobva ndarova zvangu marata kuFiyo kwangu. 
After a few drinks takamirira dinner redu thats when I realized that she had a plan, Because aingoshiringnya shinginya kunge paainge akagara paibaya minzwa. From nowhere akaerekana andibvunza kuti is it true that vanhu vatema makatakura zimboro zihombe down there!

Ndakamuzevezera kuti aswedere pedyo neni ndobva ndatora rouko rwake in a naughtly way ndikamubatisa mhungu mubhurugwa kamurungu kakashama muromo kakanditarisa mumaziso zviya zvekuti damin what s this in your pants? She whispered in my ears saying that you are big man, can I have a taste of African man.
Ini ndikatiwo zvanguzvaita because ndange ndisati ndamborova beche remuchena. Dinner could come later, it was time to go to her room without further delay. Mucorridor yakanga yangova bata murefu bata mupfupi takazosara tosvika muroom make akufemera mudenga sendere. murungu paromance anouya seAlteza chaiyo. ndakanhafiwa ndikawisirwa pamubhedha nemanhede achiita seachadambura bhande kuda kuvhura trousers rangu. Ndakatokurumidza kumubatsira or else ndaigona kuzoenda kumba ndisina bhurukwa zvikanetsa.
Yeah kusvira the first time was really good since aida kunzwa mboro yemunhu mutema, akaiyisa mumuromo akatanga kuisvisvina slowly apa ndichiinzwa ichimuka slowly ichikura bigger and bigger kusvika akuita kunge munhu arikudzipwa nayo. I really enjoyed it and we took turns ekuti iye akandiyamwa mboro ini ndobva ndamudyawo beche rake. By the time yaakatanga kundikumbira kuti ndimusvire juice dzake dzainge dzakutoyerera kubva mubeche rake haaa  ndakaiita kurova beche sebeche zviya zvekusiya signature for good.

Takatanga nemissionary and then ndokubva ndamurova nekumashure ndokubva atunda ndichibva ndaburitsa mboro yangu zvaakunzi zvaakurwadza. Mboro yangu yainge ichiri kuyerera juice dzemubeche rake achibva ayitora ndokuiyisa mumuromo make until ndatundira mumuromo make and this was my first time kutundira mumuromo memukadzi and it was so good kuona mukadzi achimedza hurume hose and actually leaking my manhood clean with her tongue. 
An hour later takasvirana futi apa ndiye ainge akundikoira kusvikira atunda ndokubva aburitsa mboro yangu mubeche rake ndokubva andibvunza kuti ndaida kupedzera mumuromo make or kumudhidhi wake. Ndakasarudza kudhodhi ndokubva amboyenda kunotora lube kuti tiise kuti asarwadziwe ndichiisa mboro mukati, she said aida kuti ndisvire slowly and akati go deeper asi zvinyoro nyoro. Later akazonditi aifarira kusvirwa kumagaro and that the experience brings out the animal in her!
We then lay down relaxing and she started asking questions briefly touching achibvunza on kusvirana tiri 3 one murume and two vasikana zvinoita here? Ndikamuti ehe zvinoita I guess ainge atotaura neshamwari yake and on our next outing we were going to experiment that.

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