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Dzawira Mutswanda Akanga Akanga Achangobva Kusadan Jullie Part 11

Kuma5am Makapinda massage kubva kunaFlorence; ‘ Cant help thinking about you!” Ndakabva ndangoziva kuti nhasi hakuna kumira mushe, kana mhun...

Kuma5am Makapinda massage kubva kunaFlorence; ‘ Cant help thinking about you!” Ndakabva ndangoziva kuti nhasi hakuna kumira mushe, kana mhunhi dzepamba pangu dzaizomuka hapana chaibuda. Ndakapindurawo.

“Collect me 0530hrs opposite garage past Mabvuku turn off towards Mutare” Ndakabva ndamuka nekunaga kumvura kugeza nekukwesha mazino kupfeka nekubuda ndichisiya vakadzi vaviri vakarara nebhabharazi. Ndakafamba netsoka ndichigurira muZIMRE kusvika ndasvika kutara.

Pasina nguva ndakaona Amarock yandakange ndaona last night patakaenda kumba yasvikoparker opposite garage, Ndakasvikopinda mumota nekutambirwa nayo kiss ndikatanga ndini ndikati thanks for what happened last night, that was a blast. She that the night was too long for her,It has been a long time since she did it and ndakanga ndamudenha. Luckly she was the first to grab me  in the morning for continuity from where we left.

 I switched off my cell phone, Jullie na Bee hakuna kwavaizondiwana musi uyu, ndakange ndaakuda zvitsva. Muenzi paabikirwa haagare, ndosaka vakuru vaiti kunyange ukanzi urimvana, usapa murume bonde asati aroora, nekuti akangotora sample akutoda mberi kwacho kwaasati atora masamples, iwe watova palist yema casualities. Plus ndogara ndichitaura kuti bonde iri varume vanorikoshesa kana amboritamburira zvishoma, kwetee zvakuitika izvi zvekuti mukadzi anototi do it or else the whole world will know that you are impotent. Vakadzi vakutsvaga varume  bhurukwa riri mubraa.

Apa mota yakange yatonanga Masasa. We spoke about the girls and I told her kuti ndakanoita vekurarisa ndakavatakura kunge pwere, akabva afa zvake nekuseka, akazobvunza kuti did they remember anything about last night ndikati I dont think so. Ndakamubvunza kuti why anga aripa Mereki iye aisnganwi hwahwa, zvikanzi ko iwe waideiwo paMereki usinganwi hwahwa. So yakabva yafira mugiya.

We dug into each other`s biography as we cruised to her place. She said that she was sorry about the loss of my wife, and she asked where was the kid, ndikati anogara nehanzvadzi yangu kuKadoma. Akati I cannot wait to go see her. Ko wakamutengerei pachristmas? Hey mubvundzo uyo wakauya sechibhakera chematsenganzungu.

I stammered but I could not construct a meaningful lie. I am a smooth lier by proffession but aapa nhema dzakatiza. At the end I just opened my mouth to an inconvenient state. She saw that and quickly eased off and said if you are comfortable after breakfast togona kuzoenda zvedu tonomudongorera todzoka. I wanted to but munoziva nyadzi dzinokunda rufu. Ndakambotsenga tsenga mukanwa ndichitsika tsika kuenda, but akazonditi for goodness sack what the hell do you think you are doing?

Mwana Haana mai vakashaya, you are the only parent and you can afford to go for months usina kuona mwana? Apa holiday yaakutopera and you have done nothing for her. Okay ndatiti kushaya, I understand that, Let me make it up for you honey, just a little something and a few hours with her, that’s a lot in her life. I was feeling even more guilty, apa ndopandanga ndaudzwa chokwadi apa. What kind of a father am I chokwadi. Kuona mwana kwaAugust, apa December akupera.

Yet only yesterday I was cursing vaidyiwa zvavo mari dzavo ndichiti vana varikunwa mvura yemupombi, but they were better than me, because at the end of the day vaizodzokera kudzimba dzavo. Ko ini ndaiita kuronzera mwana kuhanzvadzi kunge ndiri overseas. Ndakasiyanei nevanosiya vana vachienda overseas kana pajoni apa? 

Better avo they can spend a year or so due to circumstances, ko ini? PaKadoma apa PAIKWIRA $4 chokwadi kuita 4 months no kuona mwana. $10 yaikwana kuenda nekudzoka pachisara change yekutenga mabanana emwana. I cursed and condemned myself zvachose. Basa kutevererana nechinena kutoshaudhawo vanoita child abuse, ko yangu yaiva pachena iyi. Ko mwana wangu aifungei neni? Mudiki zvake but anofungawo. I owe her an apology. Ndakarangarira ndikanzwa kubatikana zvekuti kana pfungwa dzekukwira dzakatsakatika mandiri.

Ndofunga Florence akazvionaa kuti anga andipinza busy, and I think Akatombotaura something but haana akamupindura because my mind was engulfed by my kid. Takapinda pagate pake ndisina kumboona kuti ndasvika sei. Hey  chokwadi chokwadi ndini marara emubereki. Kungokura chombo mahara but brain zero. Ndakanyatsoona hudataurindi hwangu.

Floo akanditi tipinde mumba, tave mumba kana naiye akatoona kuti akanga azvengera kunoenda chibhakera, lumo pakanga pasina apa. Zvebonde pakanga pasina chaimbobudaa apa. I remember she took a bath dressed akauya akagadzira tea. Taitauraa zvedu pano nepapo but pfungwa dzangu dzainge dzave kuKadoma. Zvese zvaaiita ainonoka ndaitonzwa kuda kuenda kumakombi. But ndaizvimanikidzira kuti asaone kuti pane zvirikunetsa.

 Ndakazomuti I will be at your mercy when we come back, for now can we just go, or I go tozoonana ndadzoka, ndaisada kumuremedza, after all we were just fucking friends. Haana kuita nharo, but akati we need to buy some groceries and presents for her mutown.

Takapinda muML yake kuma8am ndisu avo mutown akatenga magroceries ake ini ndaingopusher trolley. Ndakazomubvunza kuti ko wake mwana aive kupi zvikanzi akaenda kuAmerica kuholiday kunababa vake she will be coming first week yaJanuary. She is 8years old ini wangu Rufaro ave ne10 years uye akuenda grade five.

Hupenyu hwemari kunenge kudada chkwadi. Mota yakazadzwa nezvinhu kuti taa ndiye muroad takananga Kadoma. Mukadzi akorova mota and ndakanga ndati sunungukei tichitaura tichiseka zvedu. Her own vehicle, her own fuel, driving me to go and see my kid for free. Kune vanhu vanoziva zvinhu zvinokosha muupenyu.

Along the way she gave me a good lecture about looking after the kids, and she wanted to make sure I will not repeat such a mistake in life. Mwana akashaya care kumubereki wake zvinomuaffecta psychologically, worse still wangu aitoziva kuti mai vake vakafa. 

At 10 years she was old enough zvekugona kuwacha hembe dzake, kudzipresser, she could do her own homework and so on, so why woul I keep own burdening othe people. Yes vanhu vanobatsira but kindiness must not be always abused. Apa in ndange ndakutoita abuse hanzvadzi yangu, and most probably hanzvadzi yangu yaigona kuzoreleaser anger yacho ku mwana wangu.

Quite correct, uyu kana ari hure ihure rinemusoro iri. In less than twenty-four hours she has brought a change in my life. Chegutu takambomira paChicken inn achitenga lunch box yake, ini ndakangoti juice because zvemafast foods nemutambo wangu uyu hazvifambirane. Saka ndinorova traditional and organic chete. to keep machine in order, varume vazhinji are not aware kuti mafast foods ne mapizza anoaffecta  your system. those things are meant for women kikikiki

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