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Dzawira Mutswanda – Akanga Achangobva KuSudan Jullie Part 10

Takazopinda tese mutoilet akari flusher iye ini ndakatarisa akatora a wet towel akundimopper sweat muviri wese nekatowel kanyoro . Nechombo ...

Takazopinda tese mutoilet akari flusher iye ini ndakatarisa akatora a wet towel akundimopper sweat muviri wese nekatowel kanyoro . Nechombo akachibata akachipa kiss zvikanzi  maita basa mutupo chii zviya? Ndikati don’t worry, nemiwo maita basa  you are so sweet! Zvikanzi really? Ndikati yes I would want to do this again and again if time permits. Zvikanzi I will be happy to have you in me tisiri kumhanya mhanya because ipapa poga ndagutsikana kuti ndakwenywa dad, regai Jullie apenge zvake. Takambundirana  ndikamupa a deep kiss for half a minute. She is not a bad kisser, though there is room for improvement.

Florence said that she really wanted to sleep, anga ava nehope zvekuti anga asisade zvekudzokera kwaMereki dai kusirikuti asiya shamwari dzake, ko ini maskiri acho ndoazivaka anga akutoda zvekurarirwa but ndakamutimaya ngativhaye. On our way back takapanana manumber and promised each other fire works but iye aingotenda kuti waita hako Dzindi wandibvisa chikara, ndanga ndichinzwa your girlfriend achitaura ndikangoshinga kuti let me try my luck because matauriro aaita ndanyatsonzwa kuda kumbinzwa kuti yakanyanyoita sei yaangabva arumbidza kudaro,but zvangu zvatoita haa ndatonhorerwa ini. Aidaro achisekerera with satisfaction deep down in her.

Unoziva Dzindi the waste mistake a woman can ever do in life is to discuss her bedroom life  with other ladies, or a man to discuss the performance of his partner with others, because they become curious and vanotora masamples. Hezvo ndatoita sexiwa zvangu with a stranger because your partner andionesa an opportunity and I seized it, because ndaona kuti paita murume arikutambiswa nechidhakwa. 

To be honest I was Hungry for a man, mukadzi zvakaoma kuti udenhe murume but look it was beyond my control, its not that I am loose, hope you will not take it that way. But whatever you might think, I am happy kuti wandipa good size. Ndosingoita zvkuverenga paMasasi neMastories naMufundisi Dzindi. Ndakapotsa ndati ndini Mufundisi Dzindi vacho ndikati umm ndingapisira.

I don’t even regret zvaitika apa, I don’t know her, she just came to us and started bragging about  the endowment of your manhood and the power in your waste. How can you dangle a piece of a meat within the reach of a hungry carnivore? I can assure you she is in a fix, because given a chance they shall be stiff competition, unless if you are not happy with me, but I just wish if you can give me a chance to prove myself kuti despite my position in the society I can be a wife. I could feel the determination in her voice. I was confused ini because aya haasi masasi enzenza aya.

Ndakamuti I prefer us to be connected and let time detect its pace, there was no need for her to rush, maybe she would end up not liking me, because sex is not love, as we had just proved that it can happen even people do not love each other, Takangoitana tisina kana kubvunzana mutupo pamwe yaitova hanzvadzi yangu. So bonde harusi ruso uye tose takabvumirana izvozvo.

 Takataura taura zvakati wandei. Florence was reasonable and she was talking sense and achiratidza kuti ane matured brain. Though after a certain age woman get desperate to get someone, Handizive kuti akavaudza tsika iyoyo ndiyani. Hanzi time is not on my side, vanhu vanenge vachiti zvakati zvakati as if they live their lives for other people to see. And future yavo inogona kupedzisira yavhiringwa by pressure from the environment. Hezvo isu zvedu vana Dzindi takange taarova makumbo emaCEO, advertised by the diplomatic dean of core Jullie. 

Takambo parker adjacent nepamakuva epwarren hillsndichimuones kuti she was not suppose to hold this encounter with much expectations, Maybe I was not the right man for him, munongozivawo Dzindi kutaura mahara hakubhadhariswe.

But ndaiti ndikatarisa gumbo rake chete nemikaka yacho ndainzwaa kuti I was trying to swim against the tide. Ndakamubata musoro waive nevhudzi raiyerera kunyange raisazosvika zvaro panaJullie, Its true that vhudzi plays an important role on the beauty of a woman. Florence aive mushava akada kuita mukaradhi, kunge musutu, aneuso hurefu nematama anetumakomba, iyo mhino yacho yakanyatsoti twii kunge yebhunu though yanga isina kuzoreba zvekuita peecoak. Ndakamupuruzira musoro and she turn off the engine. Ndakadzika nehuro ndichimudza kuti aive svusvura ndadya mhodzi yechingwa, ainge akanaka seruva remunakamwe mubani remikute.

Akateerera ndichimusofta zvangu nekumupa mabiri emhando yepamusoro. Handingashayee zvose, kuti kushaya mari ndoti kutadza kubata mukadzi? Aiwa ichi ndichipo changuwo ichi. Zvinodiwa nemukadzi ndozviziva ini. Akarerekera musoro kwandiri  ati rukutu muviri wese ndikanzwa ma car keys kuti ngwendere pasi pacar floor. Takadhumanisa huma dzedu iye andibata bendekete ini ndakamubata matama nemaoko ese. Mhino dzakateera kudhumana as she slowly closed here eyes semunhu abaiwa jekiseni rekuvata mutheatre.

Takapedzisira nekudhumanisa malips ndikanzwa malips angu achiita kakunyeyrekedza as I softly kissed her lower lip and finally the upper one teasing her tongue to come searching for a lick. For a minute or so it were lips alone, chisingazive vamwe vanhu ndechekuti munhukadzi mafeelings ake aripapi uye zvino activater svirometer yake chii? Vanongoita zvefembera fembera kunge mukanyi wezvidhinha. Muviri wemukadzi wakafana nemota. You communicate nawo uchikuudza kuti apa ikozvino taakudai apa taakudai, now use this gear and now use this one.

Iwe murume basa rako riri rekunavigator road and control her kinetic energy. Malips emukadzi anoda kutambiswa akuchigunzvana neemurume, they are equally sensitive kunge madhoiri ekuzasi amunomhnyirira. The good thing with malips is you can enjoy them in public. Saka make sure you kiss her regularly and woman kana aisina kuku kisser tell the bastard kuti I need a kiss daddy. Ndakanzwa rurimi rwake rwaakutamba tamba padyo nemalips ndikati welcome to the party, I was waiting for you. 

Apa Florence anga akuitsvaga tsvaga kutsvaga pane bhande. Ndakarwutambira with a looping style, sensitively allowing it in and out of my my mouth. Paseat rake painge pakuita separikupisa, Manje nesetup yemumota make I kew kuti hapana zvikuru zvaigona kuzoitika and I was not going to allow it.

Takabva tarohwa nemalights emota yaiuya and we stopped and Florence anga atova muneimwe nyika akaratidza kubhowekana kwakanyanya nekurukutika, after it passed she wanted to continue but ndakati enough lets go babes will have it some other time. Kamboita kanguva akanditarisa murima imomo, but we had to go. 

Akati ndimupromise kuti this was not going to be the last time  ndikati mupromisa.
Akatatsvadzira makeys  ndobva amutasa mota takuenda kwaMereki.Takasvika tikawana Bee anga ajoiner Jullie mumota varara vese, we kissed and said good by to each other iye achitora shamwari dzake vakuenda ini ndakudriver zvidhakwa zvangu kuenda kumba kwedu. Ndakasvikosimudza Jullie ndikauisa mumba make kumufukidza machira.

Kutorawo Bee ndokutataritsana naye, hey paiva nebasa because panezvezigadzi pana Bee. Finally they were in their rooms, I locked the car and locked my self in my room ndobva ndarara zvangu. Hapana akanetsa umwe usiku ihwohwo. Kwaingova kumuka nekuenda kutoilet nekudzokera mudzimba dzavo. Plus inini wacho ndaisatomboda zvekurara nemunhu akadhakwa. Ukaona munhu wemukadzi akudhakwa zvekuridza ngonono dzinonzwika nemunhu aripanze ndokudhakwa manje ikoko.

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