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Zimbabwe Is Rich In Prophetic Messages: Prophecy for Zimbabwe (Given By The Lord To Dr Femi Olowo On 25 May 2008)

One of the issues that have been extensively discussed is the failure of the fiscal and monetary authorities to harness the problems that h...

One of the issues that have been extensively discussed is the failure of the fiscal and monetary authorities to harness the problems that have haunted the Zimbabwean economy since 1997. 

If we continue to put all our trust in man, we shall be frustrated. The problem with most leaders is that they concern themselves with personal enrichment instead of building the economy.

How many times have we heard MPs crying for posh cars and allowances yet no one cares about the paltry salaries for civil servants? The country is rich with mineral resources, which if used properly, will improve the lives of ordinary Zimbabweans.

We need to focus on reviving our secondary and tertiary industries.

I seriously believe in calling upon our living God during time of a crisis. God is able to change our circumstances and let us experience the power of the Heavenly economy. Our task is singular, to unite and pray as a nation and wait upon him to perform a miracle.

Whenever the children of Israel prayed during a crisis, God intervened supernaturally. Who thought our inflation would drop to a one digit overnight? We believed the prophecy by Dr. Olowo when it came in 2008 at the peak Zimbabwe’s economic crisis.

I want us to remember that the nation of Zimbabwe is rich in prophetic messages which point to the fact that it is at the heart of God. Christians have a role to pray for all leaders and the economy. The bible tells us that when there is peace and prosperity in the country, we also live peacefully and will be able to seek the face of God with much joy.

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty (1 Timothy 2: 1-2).

It is God who gives wisdom to the God fearing leaders to make prudent policies that sustain a nation. We have very powerful biblical examples like His Excellency the Prime Minister of Egypt – Joseph and Daniel the Administrator of Babylon.

Joseph was able to protect the whole land from the catastrophe of famine because he was connected to God. He built some silos to store food during the seven years of abundant harvest so that it could take care of the seven years of famine (Genesis 41 and 42).

Daniel was a God fearing young man who was given the wisdom by God to understand science and govern the people effectively (Daniel 2: 46-48). Devoted service and promotion to high office in both Chaldea and Persia placed Daniel in the unique position to further advance the plan of God for Israel.

Daniel’s life shows that any believer armed with Bible doctrine in the soul can do the extraordinary in the midst of human disaster.

Zimbabwe went through a tough phase in its economic history and it needed people like Daniel to rise to the challenge. Below is a prophecy for the nation of Zimbabwe and we would like to focus on the part that talks about inflation, welfare and role of leaders in governing a nation.
Zimbabwe Is Rich In Prophetic Messages: Prophecy for Zimbabwe (Given By The Lord To Dr Femi Olowo On 25 May 2008)
Prophecy for Zimbabwe (given by the Lord to Dr Femi Olowo on 25 May 2008)
“…… out of the ashes of national devastation, Zimbabwe will once again rise up and become a mighty nation under God. For the prayers of the saints have ascended before Me as sweet incense, an acceptable sacrifice in My sight; and the prophecies and declarations of the righteous will cause My will to come to pass…..

….. the economy of heaven will produce a fruitful land again and an economic harvest for Zimbabwe in a few short years to come.

Meanwhile huge inflation figures will rapidly drop and life as well as life expectancy will return to normality again… in a few short years.

For indeed I will expand and extend the lifespan of My children in Zimbabwe, and satisfy them with the Zoë Life of God, so that a man of 72 years will once again be considered but a young man… a youth.

Indeed I have spoken over your nation commanding you to be blessed, to be fruitful and to multiply – Genesis 1: 28 – and I the God of fruitfulness and the Lord of multiplication will do it. I will heal a nation that has been so ravaged by man, by disaster and by HIV AIDS, and My healing power and miracle grace shall be known throughout the land.

….I will raise up leaders after My own heart to lead Zimbabwe into new victories, new economic strength, new global respect and recognition.

Your assignment is singular: continue to speak and declare My Word over Zimbabwe; for all of this that I have spoken shall shortly come to pass.”

Clearly, the prophecy shows that Christians have a role to play in the economies of our countries wherever we are. We need to cover our leaders with prayers in all circumstances irrespective of our political affiliations. God respects the human governments and He operates in His way and time.

I was surprised when the huge inflation figures for Zimbabwe were reversed overnight in 2009. God works in marvellous ways we cannot fathom. I know many people doubt the power of the prophetic ministry, but I do respect these men and women who are used mightily by God to deliver His Rhema word to the nation.

Pray and prophecy good things over your nation and it shall be so. God has commanded our nations to be blessed, fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1: 28). All leaders in the world should know that the people belong to their creator, God, and they need to treat them with a lot of respect.

A lot of prophetic messages have been spoken about Zimbabwe’s economy despite the dark period we passed through as a nation. We believe other nations can learn from us to persevere in order to realize good results.

There are prophetic messages that tell us that Zimbabwe is at the heart of God hence we cannot continue in our poverty. An army of Christians is needed to break the curses spoken over our land. The word of God says in 2 Chronicles 7: 14-15:

“…if my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will hear their sin. Now my eyes will open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place.”

We just need to rise up and begin to prophecy positively about our nation but keeping in line with what scriptures say. There is a supernatural power to address economic challenges of the world. We need God inspired leaders who can come up with solutions during a crisis.

Below are 2 prophecies that were spoken through Cindy Jacobs concerning the nation of Zimbabwe.

A Prophecy Given by Cindy Jacobs (President of Generals of Intercession) 30/10/1998 – Guatemala City, Guatemala.
“…. I will use Zimbabwe like a jewel; she will help feed the world with beautiful produce. God will break the curse that came through civil war – the curse will be broken. …The land will produce beautiful beef. New factories will be built. Zimbabwe has the ministry of reconciliation that will reunite the African people. The anointing of reconciliation will be all over Zimbabwe.

Do not be afraid of the change, although it looks like you are going backwards. I have a plan for you. Satan thinks he is advancing but I will expose wickedness at high levels. Do not be afraid. Satan will try to bring war, but the people will be used to stop war and bloodshed.

A treaty will be written with other nations. Zimbabwe will be like Switzerland to bring the healing of nations-to break ancient things. Your nation came through trickery but God will restore it.

You will be given a piece of land – a beautiful place to pray. You will build a place to watch and pray. It will be like a village with a place to sleep. Senior citizens will have places to stay and give their time to pray day and night….”
Cindy Jacobs, Covenant Church of Pittsburgh

17/10/2001 – Pittsburgh

“The Lord has a word for Zimbabwe. This is the word for the nation: Weeping only endures for a night but joy comes in the morning.

Satan is very afraid of Zimbabwe, very afraid, so he has sent his troops, but the Lord says, I myself have sent my angels and I am going to reveal myself to a people that have not recognized me.

And the Lord says, I am going to raise up an army of Intercessors that have had to go deep, deep, deep like the palm tree in times of drought. And this army of Intercessors have clung and stood to the word of the Lord, so therefore I will use them to heal Africa says God.

And I am going to release a mighty prayer army that will go forth from this land. And the Lord says I am going to stay this spirit of violence and I am going to begin to reverse things in this land. The Lord says, don’t look at what you see now, but understand that I am going to make this a peace-making nation.

And the Lord says, I the Prince of Peace am going to enthrone myself in miraculous ways there, says God. And this will be known as a country that is a peaceful country and restored.

The Lord gives me Joel. That God is going to restore the years that the cankerworm and the locust have eaten up. This will be a Joel nation and a Malachi nation and I am going to turn the heart of the fathers to the children and the children to the fathers.

There is a linking between Zimbabwe and South Africa that will be miraculous for I am going to bring great healing between these nations says the Lord.

There are treasures of darkness that have waited till this hour in Africa to be released for the greatest harvest that continent has ever seen, and that the Africans will help protect and heal America, the Lord showed me that.

And that which was despised, God is going to bring humility into the heart of those in America to humble themselves to receive this word because it is in the healing of the nation that is going to come the receiving of the Africans.

The Lord is showing me that He is getting ready to build an east to the west road across Africa that will physically open up the heart of Africa. The Lord shows me that He is getting ready to reach the unreached and He is going to break open North Africa, break it open. I’m telling you God is going to break it open.”
There is so much hope for our nation of Zimbabwe. Let us not despair over the temporary setbacks we are facing, this seemingly tiny nation carries a lot of economic potential. Even many developed nations know this no wonder they cannot afford to ignore us.

I declare that the nation of Zimbabwe is reaching new economic horizons. Let’s continue to confess the word of God over our nation and it shall come to pass.

Dr James Madzimure is a Pastor in Divine Life in Christ International Ministries (DLCIM). He is also a motivational speaker and a life coach. Find more by reading two books he co-authored namely: 1.) Destined for greatness – Raising leaders to transform the corporate world, 2.) Unlocking the entrepreneurial Spirit.

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