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When God... When!? CHAPTER 13B (II)

Story By: Rutendo L. Nzira Bishop gave us a teaching from 1 Corinthians 13:4-12 and explained about tolerance and love in marriage. He us...

Story By: Rutendo L. Nzira

Bishop gave us a teaching from 1 Corinthians 13:4-12 and explained about tolerance and love in marriage. He used the illustration of a new shoe;

“A new shoe looks lovely and beautiful but inorwadza kupfeka. Asi nekuti wakaitenga iri choice yako uye uchiida, unofanira kujaira kufamba nayo till it takes the shape of your foot kurwadza kobva kwapera. Like you vana vangu, tolerance and forgiveness everyday of your life will sustain your marriage. You keep trying, keep improving, hautsamwe wobva waramwa, unotsamwa womuka wosimudzira. You are taking a vow to love each other everyday, you wake up and make a conscious decision to love regardless of how you feel. Ask varume vese vari muno, a woman is the sweetest thing to live with, but also very difficult to tame. But we are surviving, zvinoita chete.” Takatarisana naEddie, ndakafunga kuti mharidzo iyi ichiri yedu here or vave kuzviudza ivo uncle Bishop.
Vakaenderera, “Eddie I remember the day you admired Grace, I was there as a witness, ndichiona kurova kwehana yako wakatarisa chimhandara ichi, ndichiona uchipera mweya wakamubata ruoko rwake, and today unlike all of your guests here, I am witnessing your love for the second time.” Vakabva vaudza vanhu vese vaive muchurch zvakaitika musi wauya Edmond pamba pavo ndiripo. Ah ini ndakanyara, asi muchurch makaita noise vanhu vachifa nekuseka, ivowo kurondedzera kwavakaita was very hilarious, even mai Bishop grinned, vakazhinyawo wena, church yese ichibvaruka nekuseka.
Rutendo L. Nzira
After that, vakatipa tese burning candles, ndokumira kumberi kwedu vane ravowo candle risina kubatidzwa, vakabva vati tibatidze candle ravo panguva imwe chete, takadaro tichibva tadzima edu maviri pakasara ravo chete. Vakabva vati; “Eddie, dzima hafu yako yawabatidza, usiye hafu yaGrace yaabatidza ichipfuta”, Edmond akadzungudza ndokuti hazviite, vakandidarowo ndikavati hazviite. Vakabva vaverenga Colossians 3:14 -20. And he reiterated kuti tave nyama imwe chete. Mushure meizvi yange yave nguva yekuita mhiko dzedu nekupfekedzana maring.

Bishop vakati; “church, I want you to bear witness kuvana vedu ava, ndakavati mumwe nemumwe agadzirire zvekutaura ega achiudza mumwe wake, nyatsonyararai titererese zvavachatsidzirana.” Takabva tamira takatarisana naEdmond, ndiya akatanga,
“Grace, the first day I met you, waindibudisa mumadhaka, ndakaziva kuti ndiwe uchandipa upenyu hwandinoda. Ndakabva ndaziva kuti ndiwe mudzimai wangu, amai vevana vangu, shamwari yeupenyu wangu.I trust kuti in any situation we will stand together, whether good or bad. I promise to love you all the days of my life. You have brought out the best in me. I will love you even after my death, because one lifetime is not enough for the love I have for you, for your name is engraved on my heart my Princess Gire.” Akanditarisa ari very serious, it was an emotional moment for both of us. Bishop vakamupa ring achibva andipfekedza achiti;
“Grace you are now my wife, wear this ring as a symbol of my love for you. I love you Grace, words alone cannot express how I feel for you ” akabva andipfekedza ring yemuchato wedu. It was now my turn to say my vows.

“Edmond, you trusted me when I was not sure of myself. You saw a future about me which I doubted myself. You placed me in higher places which I would not go alone. I promise to love you and submit to you. Loving you and submitting to you will be my joy and my responsibility for the rest of my life.” Bishop vakabva vanditambidza ring yekuti ndipfekedze Edmond, “Ndinokupfekedza ring iyi sechiratidzo cherudo rwangu kwauri, nechivimbiso chekuti ndichave mudzimai wako wega. Ndinokuda Edmond.”

Bishop vakabva vati tipfugame pamberi pavo, vakatibata misoro neleft hand, right hand vakatibatanidza maoko, vachinamata nekukomborera muchato wedu. Vakazoti tisimuke ndokuti, “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Edmond you may kiss your bride.”
Eddie kissed me, I was free, ka guilty kemamwe makiss ataiita before our wedding left me. Kaive kaguilty kekusaziva how far we would go each moment we kissed. But apa I let go, he was now my husband, I was his lawfully wedded wife.

“You still have the honeymoon Eddie…” Uncle Bishop vakazodaidzira, church yese ikatiseka.
Vana mbuya mai Chomu ndopavange vakamirira, nehuro dzavo dzange dzakaparirwa for mhururu dzemusi uyu. Bishop vakadaidza baba namai Chihota, nambuya nasekuru Mukanya kuti vazotanga ivo kutikorokotedza, vakauya vese for hugs and handshakes ndokuramba vakamira mberi church yese ichiuya.

Takazobuda muchurch vanhu vese voenda kuVenue yedu for fotos, it was hectic but exciting. Then to lunch, despite sisi Anna telling mbuya mai Chomu namainini mai Hazvinei kuti Catering Company ndivo vaiona nezvechikafu, vakadzi vaviri ava vakaenda kukitchen kwacho kundoona kuti chikafu chiri kufamba sei. Vaida kunyatsoona kuti munhu wese abva Zaka adya, akanwa, zvekuzotaurwa muJerer Growth Point pachihwindo chepaRambanai Beerhall vanhu vachinwa doro kuti kumuchato waGire, muzukuru waMukanya takandofa nenzara vakazviramba. Zvekuti maticha azoita nyaya mustaffroom yavo vachiti takafambireiko Harare muzukuru wamai Chomu takandooma miromo nezhara, mbuya vangu vakazviramba izvozvo. So she made sure kuti vese vakabva Zaka vaita nyama yekutarisa vachisvaya nhunzi iri patafura dzavo. Doro vaichururudza maLager vachinwa vasingapedze, my people wooo.

Panguva yezvipo, instead of kutanga nevekumukadzi, vakatanga nevekumurume, vakaona kuti vemukadzi vaive nezhowe zhowe yaizopedza nguva. Hama neshamwari dzaEddie dzakamira, everyone was just in a good mood, we got all the congratulatory and encouraging words for our day.
Pakazodaidzwa hama dzemukadzi, Zaka line yakasimuka yese, and to my surprise, Mbuya nasekuru Ordimatt vakasimuka kuhama dzemukadzi even though Harold aive muperekedzi waEddie. Baba namai Nemaire, baba namai Makamba vabereki vasisi Anna, auntie Star, mai nambuya vaTaonga vese were hama dzemukadzi. I was humbled, Mwari zvavakandiitira, kwakundipa dzinza rese rinoumba mhuri rakakwana zvaro.

Sekuru nambuya Mukanya ndivo vaive pamberi, sekuru vakati; “ndinokupai mombe mbiri nembudzi mbiri dzabva kunambuya venyu, dzichange dziri pamusha wenyu wekwedu, ipfuma yenyu vazukuru, wakandipa manyemwe muzukuru wangu Gire, ndavewo munhu muraini nekuda kwako.
Baba namai Makamba nasisi Anna vakateverawo nezvipo zvavo nemashoko ekufara nekuraira. Mbuya vaTaonga vange vasimba chaizvo vakamira paive nevamwe nguva yese vachipururudza, mufundisi wangu baba namai Nemaire vaivepo pahama dzemukadzi. Ah hama ndaive nadzo ini. If I could add 10 more hours to this day, I surely could have ….

Auntie Star vakatipa air tickets and a week stay in Swakopmund Hotel and Entertainment Centre, all expenses paid, for our honey moon. For sure vakange vauya kuzoita makwikwi naAmbassador nekuti apa vaive nenoise isingaite uye vaizara pese pese. Vanhu vese vakada kuziva kuti anombove aniko mukadzi uyo ane zino regold, anonwa lager kunge murume, akapfeka khaki short with heavy pockets, newaistcoat yacho yakafanana, nekatop kakabata kanenge t-shirt, mazamu ari hafu panze hafu mukati, iwo akaita matende, exaggerated neflat tummy and exorbitant hips, with the highest stilletos asi achifamba kunge akapfeka pata pata. Pese pairira music ndivo vaisimuka kutamba naUncle D wavo, matambiro wacho waiti vanhu vakange vaita mwedzi wese practicing and rehearsing nekuti vaitamba zvaienderana.

Pakazouya vanhu vekuraini, vaGatawa vakange vakaveza duri nemutswi vakanyora kuti Mamoyo Special, twaive twudiki fit for display. Munin’ina wavatete Mushayavanhu akange aumba twuhari for display too. Vakabva vadaidzana vese, vaGatawa vane ngoma yavo, sabhuku vane hwamanda yacho, mazambiya akasungiranwa, vakanyararidza zvese zvairira vakapiwa mukana vakatanga kuimba Mhururu kuMatenga.

Ndakati mai Manu let’s go join our people, takabatirana gown and joined the stage, auntie Star havana kurasika step, mai nababa Eddie vakabva vapindawo, vese hama dzemukadzi vange vakamira vachiisa zvipo zvavo joined too, yes including baba namai Ordimatt, Bishop namadam vavo could not be outstaged. Ndakanzwa ndave kudhonzwa, wanike Eddie, Stanley naHarold vavewo mudariro, Eddie took over my wedding gown, akazvimonera netail yacho and helped me to hold it tichitamba. Mukoma Manu vakatora mudzimai wavo votambawo. David ange atorera Sabhuku hwamanda ave kuifuridza zvekuti takashama tese. The original music from my village yakaita kuti munhu wese asimuke atambe, vakadzokorora katatu kese by public demand, ngoma ichirira, hwamanda haina kumbonyarara, mhururu dzacho nemiridzo aive makwikwi.

Taiimba mhururu kumatenga, tofara tasangana, tofara takomborerwa. Iyoo mhururuuuu …………………………………..!

On Monday we were set for honeymoon, sisi Anna was going back on the Wednesday, takange tapedza zvikwereti zvemuupenyu hwedu, taonana navese vatinoda. Everything was going as planned, taizokwira ndege from Harare to Windhoek then get a shuttle to Swakopmund which is about 300km from Windhoek to the coast.

We checked in at the Swakopmund Hotel and Entertainment Centre, this was our first night together as man and wife. Takaisa our luggage in our room and walked around the place, hand in hand, arm in arm exactly like the newlyweds that we were. The Manager later called us and gave us our Guide aizoenda nesu to the beach, sand dunes and other tourist locations at the Coast. Auntie Star had paid for everything, our duty was to enjoy ourselves.

After dinner, we locked ourselves in our room, my conjugal responsibilities were screaming, calling me impatiently with a high pitched tone…..

Ndakapepuka hana ichirova, the clock in the room was showing 0800hrs, Eddie ange akagara pabed akanditarisa, he was smiling broadly.
“Good morning Mrs Edmond Chihota,” I smiled ndichizvivhara nemasheets, zvaida kujaira. Eddie akandibata ruoko ndokuti,
“When I was in High School I got a prize for being the best student in Accounts and also for the most disciplined student. My parents, were so proud of me, daddy shouted ‘you are the man!’ I was so happy to see my father that happy because of me. When I turned 21 my parents gave me my first car, they also said they were proud of me. On my graduation, I made them proud again….” Ndakaramba ndakaterera asi ndange ndoshaya kwakananga nhoroondo iyi.

“When I told them that I wanted to start my own business kuno, kwete nemari yavo, baba said it again ‘you are now a man’ and they gave me moral support. Zvese izvi my sweetheart made me feel like a man. But now my wife am confessing to you, last night you made a REAL MAN. And I feel like am the only man worthy the title right now.” He hugged me and kissed me, the response from me was not so good, I was feeling like I had razor blades between my legs. “Thank you Grace, for waiting for me all your life. Am a proud man, wandiita murume chaiye mudzimai wangu.” My Eddie …..

The experience was good, I was now Mrs Chihota yes, his appreciation made me proud too, it was worthy the wait. I wanted to ask him how his first experience was, and with who, because umm the way he had handled me the whole night, ah kwaisave kutanga, aiziva game racho kwete mbichana. But just 3 days ago I had vowed to submit to him, so I let it go, baba havabvunzwe, havaitwe makwikwi navo, ko ndibabazve.

Ndakazobuda mumagumbeze and took a bath, I quickly washed the spoilt areas of masheets atange tabvisa ndokumaisa in the laundry bag, vashandi vepapa vaizopedzisawo. I felt so so close to Eddie, like he was a part of me. Finally I felt I belong somewhere the remaining fear and doubt was gone.
We spent a week in Swakopmund, what I can call the best time of my marital life, all things new, and the only feeling that was reigning was LOVE. Ndiyo nguva yatakaronga nezveupenyu hwedu zvataizoda kuita, even vana vedu takavataura panguva iyi. Taive tisina kana zvimwe zvekuita kunze kwekudanana hedu, no fone calls, no communication with anyone but ourselves. Mai nababa Chihota ndivo vega vatakange tafonera with the Namibia numbers, our fones were off, it was our time, starting a new life.
Patakadzokera kuHarare, it was time to open our presents and furnish the house. Eddie showed me a Bank statement, from that account yandaiisa rent every month, he was also putting some money, in that account, meaning yaive joint account yedu. Ndiyo mari yatakatengesa furniture yemumba medu. Everyday was exciting, everything was new.

Kutanga kwemwedzi wakatevera ndakadzokera kubasa, my highest priority was mainini mai Hazvie nevana vavo. Vakaramba kudzokera kuBulawayo, vakange voda zvekusiyana nababa vaHazvinei, kudzokera kuBulawayo kwaizoita kuti vasangane. Ndakange ndisingade kuti vagare at this shelter, ava vaive mhuri yangu, not a charity case, they were my responsibility. Saka ndakavawanira pekuroja muBudiriro, ndikavapaCaravan yavakatanga kubika sadza again pamashops. I used my position kutsvagira vana nzvimbo pazvikoro zvaive paduze. Hazvinei ndakataura naye akabvuma kudzokera form 3.

I still salute mainini mai Hazvi pakuchengeta Nikiwe naThembi, vana vehanzvadzi yababa vaHazvie and worse still the twins futi vana veSmall house yababa vaHazvie. She never complained, kana zuva rimwe zvaro ravakaratidza kuremerwa nevana ava, yaive mhuri yavo yavakapiwa naMwari, vaiida vachivachengeta vese zvakafanana. Ivowo vana vacho loved their mother, all 9 of them called her mamma, for sure she was a mother to all of them. Ndakambotaura naEddie in passing and jokingly kuti handifunge kuti ndingazvikwanisa, mai Hazvie was in a class of her own. I did my best to see that she was comfortable uye vane pekutangirawo.

Like I mentioned in my introduction, this is the story of my life. I have learnt to love and trust God no matter what happens in my life. Panopindurwa minamato yangu am grateful to God, I love my Jesus. Kana minamato isina kupindurwa, I trust God, for He always has a better plan for me than mafungiro angu. Considering my experiences, my mother’s advice on her death bed is still my pillar, I will always choose to please my God.

Am now going through a new experience, my marital life, I will decide as soon as I get settled kubasa nekumba, if I can share with you, about my marriage and about my career. Ndakambotandara nemi for quite some time, can you please leave me alone now, I have a loving husband to take care of …….. END OF SERIES.

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