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Random Things To Know About Pastors—Or At Least This One

Have you ever wondered what a pastor is? We often get the wrong idea about the men of God. I’ve well-read pastors are often misunderstood pa...

Have you ever wondered what a pastor is? We often get the wrong idea about the men of God. I’ve well-read pastors are often misunderstood particularly by people who haven’t known a pastor personally. It’s surely a unique occupation.It is not completely abnormal for a pastor to be misunderstood.

Here are random things to know about pastors. These are true for me, but I suspect they may be for your pastor too.

The temptations you face—They face. They are not immune to temptation. They are human. You shouldn’t be surprised when they make mistakes. They need lots of grace. They should be held accountable, but ultimately they are accountable to God—just as you are.

The larger the church gets—the less they know about anything. But this can be true of any church size where other people are empowered to lead. Ask them anything. They may or may not have an answer. Sometimes, however, you save both of your time if you email the staff or volunteer leader more likely to know—but they can always forward an email or your questions.
Random Things To Know About Pastors—Or At Least This One
The better the message—the longer it takes for them prepare it.
There are rare exceptions to this for many pastors. If they are going to have a descent message they will have to take time away from other responsibilities to prepare. This could mean they are not everywhere you hoped they would be.

Even though they are teaching it—they may not yet have mastered it. Hopefully they are working on it, but they teach the whole counsel of God—the Bible—and they try to remain a work in progress in many areas of it.

They get nervous every time they start to preach—sometimes sick to their stomach nervous. If you didn’t notice—well, glad they always try to get better at covering. But as a member of the church you do them a tremendous blessing if you whisper a prayer as they step up to preach.

Sunday is not the only day I work. Honestly! And preaching is not all I do. I actually work six long days a week, and even when I’m off or out of town, I’m often working. But Sunday does come around quickly.

Your story probably won’t surprise me.
I am never callous toward it, but I’ve probably heard similar or worse. And I’m still going to love you.

To my family I’m usually not a pastor—just a husband and dad.And I like that. I even like to be “just a friend” sometimes.

If you tell me something on Sunday morning—you probably should back it up with an email to remind me. My mind is distracted and I will forget. And if it can wait until Monday—even better.

I can relate to you better than you think. I like to have a good time. Some would say I’m funny. I even know how to laugh. I don’t even have to be quoting Scripture to do so. We have struggles in our life too. Lots of them. And the more you see me as a regular person, the more I can relate to the struggles you face and your friends who are afraid to come to church—partly because they think I’m not.

Pastors, any other random thoughts you would like to share?
This Article Was Originally Featured In Church Leaders.

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