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Hannah Prayed Until

There is a time when we pray for something until we get tired. Hanna prayed until she could no longer produce words.  Its not like God wi...

There is a time when we pray for something until we get tired. Hanna prayed until she could no longer produce words. 

Its not like God will be waiting for us to be tired of praying no, He has got His time of working which He has designed. Thats why Joseph, had to wait in jail for sometime because God had not yet finished preparing His seat for being a governor. Samuel was not coming because of the pledge of Hanna, it was becoz of God's time. 

Otherwise dont make unnecesary pledges like Jephta, because some of them you will regret. Things they dont to us because we have quoted a lot of scriptures in prayer, no. They happen because God has timed them. Does that mean we should not pray, no. It means we have to pray, believe and also understand deeper things of God in the spirit. Where we understand praying in Spirit, being helped by the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit help us to understand on what to pray for and at what time. Sometimes our prayers become empty because of the lustful desires in us. Sometimes we fast and pray a lot, and we dont get anything, and sometimes we dont pray a lot, and not even long prayers, but God gives us. Sometimes its because we believe our prayers a lot than God himself. Sometimes we have to listen to what Gd says than to jump into fasting and without listening to God. Saul called a fast in 1Sam13 and 14, yet God had spoken that He had put the enemy in their hands. Jonathan went to fight with his armour bearer.
Hannah Prayed Until
We need to hear God when we pray, we need to listen to Him, we need to pray what He wants us to pray for.

Prayer to God is like, a teacher and a student. Because a teacher teaches what he is going to examine. God when He wants to give you something, He leads you to what you should pray for, and then He gives it to you. As much as quoting scrptures is good when praying but there are some scriptures we dont quote because they are not needed in that prayer.

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