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By Reader's Demand - I Was Desperate To Save My Job [Part One] By Mufundisi Dzindi

Idzonyaya dzana sekuru Nyati, tete Manyati naBorn ndodzandaiswerera pafacebook. I knew nyaya dzese dzebonde dzainyorwa word for word. Hapana...

Idzonyaya dzana sekuru Nyati, tete Manyati naBorn ndodzandaiswerera pafacebook. I knew nyaya dzese dzebonde dzainyorwa word for word.

Hapana page rinotaurwa nyaya dzebonde randaisapinda everyday checking for new stuff. Pane vamwewo vaindibhowa kuti anokutotesa buri nearticle yake painenge yakunyatsonaka konzi hee end of part 1 ... ndaiita sendichamushura, apa anenge akuknyenga pfungwa wakungogara wakatarisa kuti haachiposta here. Nxaa zvinobhowa izvozvo.

I was a mother of one beautiful daughter then, ndaitongozviti single mother because Trevor went kudiaspora achitiza nhamo nenzara yemuZimbabwe muna 2008, Shelly achirikuyamwa, akatoenda asina kumuvhura nzeve futi, Apa I assumed akatokanganwawo nezvangu, because tunyaya twandaingonzwa nemafriends acho kuti akaroora a coloured woman ikoko vatove nemwana mukomana, vachitondivhairira.

Romance nebonde ndakapedzisira ndakutorota semhandara, ende varume vamwe venyu makava chaiwo, imbwa irinani inochengeta pamba. I was heartbroken and ndakavenga varume vose zvavo because of what Trevor did to me. Ndaizikanwa semukadzi akatsiga asingaitirwe zvemafunnies. I remained very professional zvekuti even boss wangu haana kutombotaura zvisina basa even one day, kana kuchurch it was same style. Mapastor echidiki aya vanoda zvinhu kunge paper bag ndaivaudza chakatadzisa imbwa kuseka iko kunyenama ichigona.
By Reader's Demand - I Was Desperate To Save My Job [Part One] By Mufundisi Dzindi
But nhamo yaizondirova ndave kuden ndega so. I would feel very horny like hell. Ndainyara kutenga mabonde toys plus madisc eporno ndaiafarira but ndainyara kutenga pana 4th paya ndopandaiona vakomana vachingoti mothers madisc evakuru aripano nditenga fuel. I started downloading blue movies kubasa . I enjoyed watching them mudark room apa ndakaconecter DVD pahome theater system kumba. Yaibva yaita movie house chiyo. I would masturbate and climax kahobho zvekutorara muviri wati rukutu, and I became addicted to this lifestyle.

One morning I clearly remember kuti waiva musi wa6 June 2013, ma computers ese akamuka akarohwa nevirus hapana kana one yaiita on. This disaster yakaaffecta production pacompany, zvivafana zveku IT zvakamboti pano nepano zvikashaya basa. Pakazosheedzwa maconsultants mutown vakauya vakati paitoda mamachines manew ones because akanga arohwa ne a very serious virus hanzi Trojan chi chi wee hameno technical explanation dzavaitaura.

GM authorized the purchase of new machines because production was on halt, but everyone who uses a computer was summoned in the boardroom where he addressed us that he was going to get to the bottom of the issue and he was going to make sure that if it was sabotage , negligence or indiscipline heads were going to roll. We knew from his face expression that he meant his words. Anga asina reverse gear senyoka.

Two days down the line a report came from the consultants’ ine dossier of the culprits’ and the big one was non other than me. Pandakangoiona ndakabva ndaziva kuti finish, pangu papera. Ndakaita manyoka muviri ukapinda chando ndikarohwa nedzungu nguva, Was this the end of road for me at this company? Nenyadzi ndakafunga kutiza but was it going to help? Anyway yadeuka yadeuka mvura yeguchu haidyorerwi. Misikanzwa iyi inoparira hama dzangu, mumwe wenyu ndakakungura kuti dai pasi paivhurika ndangonyungudika zvangu. Ndaizopinda paiko nemudhara, nerespect yaanayo kwandiri vasikana zvakaoma. Zvose zvaikonzerwa nekungoda kufadza maziso nemuviri chete, ko dai ndakatenga hangu madisc pana 4 th I would have been safe today. Maziso akati yangarara misodzi and I bitterly cursed myself. I was going to lose my employment nekukara kuona vanhu vasina kupfeka vachiisana. Dai ndakatohura hangu zvaiva nani.

Dhara pfacha muoffice, obvious he was going to the report staright because he was waiting for it. I really went numb. After an hour ndakanzi Stelia, call the HR manager. Ndakabva ndangoziva kuti game over. Vakavharirana for 20 minutes apa in handina kusheedzwa kuzotora maminutes which was an obvious sign that things zvaipa.

Akubuda HRM akanditarisa akada kuchema, akangodzungudza musoro in disbelief ndokuenda, and to me the writing was on the wall. In no time ndakasheedzwa namudhara and he was breathing fire. Of al the people!! me? the very trusted lieutenant, What a great betrayal! Not mentioning incurred loss caused by my actions. In a fahterly and diplomatic language, he told me that the process was starting there and then. A clear massage was to be sent across the company, and I was to be used as an example. I was suspended pending a disciplinary hearing. But the HRM said I had an option to resign if I wanted, and I would get all my benefits. He gave me a day to go think about it. Back to my boss` office I sobbed to my knees but he looked the other side and politely asked me to go and clear my office.
Ndakakumbira driver aizonondisiyawo kumba sezvo I was no longer in a state to drive. Akabata foni achida kufona kugarage but hameno kuti akafungeyi and he drove me home ne PRADO VX yavo. On the way he explained in detail the repercussions of my actions to him and the company. Ndega ndakagutsikana kuti ndirimutadzi pacompany, anyway I had to accept my fate, even to say sorry sir was a waste of time. He dropped me by my house ndobva aenda zvake.

Straight on the discs, destroying them one by one because they ruined my life. Then this one, my favourate one, two maIndian ladies chizhakwa ne a black guy aive nehosepipe yebanana. I said to myself ndoriplayer kekupedzisira ndorasa. In the middle of viewing I just thought kuti height ye mudhara uya nethis guy is almost the same and both they had big arms with protruding veins. I had a plan to serve my . I was to be fast because the following day was my D day. I started softly squizing my clitories as I fantasised myself in a lamper jack position dhara richichizvambura mercilessly sezvaiita the black guy kutumaIndians. In no time I climaxed and the stress was gone.

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